Ben Eggleston

University of Kansas

Course Materials

Here is a list of all the courses courses I have taught, with links to materials for most of them. (Click here for a list ordered by course level instead of date.)

University of Kansas:

Spring 2023

none scheduled

Fall 2022

none scheduled

Spring 2022

none scheduled

Fall 2021

Philosophy 666: Rational Choice Theory

—decision theory, game theory, and social-choice theory

Spring 2021


Fall 2020


Spring 2020


Fall 2019

Philosophy 666: Rational Choice Theory

—decision theory, game theory, and social-choice theory

Spring 2019


Fall 2018


Spring 2018

Biology 420 / Philosophy 500: The Ethics of Scientific Research

—fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, conflicts of interest, institutional review boards, protection of human and animal subjects, and other issues

Philosophy 160: Introduction to Ethics

—meta-ethics, ethical theory, and applied ethics

Fall 2017

Philosophy 160: Introduction to Ethics

—meta-ethics, ethical theory, and applied ethics

Spring 2017

Philosophy 666: Rational Choice Theory

—decision theory, game theory, and social-choice theory

Biology 420 / Philosophy 500: The Ethics of Scientific Research

—fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, conflicts of interest, institutional review boards, protection of human and animal subjects, and other issues

Philosophy 160: Introduction to Ethics

—meta-ethics, ethical theory, and applied ethics

Fall 2016

Philosophy 880: Topics in Ethics: Consequentialism and Legal Theory

—Shaw, Singer, Railton, Pettit, Kamm, Posner, Scalia, Dworkin, and Tamanaha

Philosophy 160: Introduction to Ethics

—meta-ethics, ethical theory, and applied ethics

Spring 2016

Philosophy 666: Rational Choice Theory

—decision theory, game theory, and social-choice theory

Biology 420 / Philosophy 500: The Ethics of Scientific Research

—fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, conflicts of interest, institutional review boards, protection of human and animal subjects, and other issues

Fall 2015

none (sabbatical)

Spring 2015

Biology 420 / Philosophy 500: The Ethics of Scientific Research

—fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, conflicts of interest, institutional review boards, protection of human and animal subjects, and other issues

Philosophy 160: Introduction to Ethics

—meta-ethics, ethical theory, and applied ethics

Fall 2014

Philosophy 880: Topics in Ethics: Contemporary Consequentialism

The Cambridge Companion to Utilitarianism and other readings

Philosophy 160: Introduction to Ethics

—meta-ethics, ethical theory, and applied ethics

Spring 2014

Philosophy 666: Rational Choice Theory

—decision theory, game theory, and social-choice theory

Biology 420 / Philosophy 500: The Ethics of Scientific Research

—fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, conflicts of interest, institutional review boards, protection of human and animal subjects, and other issues

Philosophy 161: Introduction to Ethics Honors

—meta-ethics, ethical theory, and applied ethics

Fall 2013

none (Keeler Family Intra-University Professorship)

Spring 2013

Biology 420 / Philosophy 500: The Ethics of Scientific Research

—fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, conflicts of interest, institutional review boards, protection of human and animal subjects, and other issues

Philosophy 160: Introduction to Ethics

—meta-ethics, ethical theory, and applied ethics

Fall 2012

Philosophy 160: Introduction to Ethics

—meta-ethics, ethical theory, and applied ethics

Spring 2012

Biology 420 / Philosophy 500: The Ethics of Scientific Research

—fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, conflicts of interest, institutional review boards, protection of human and animal subjects, and other issues

Fall 2011

Philosophy 880: Topics in Ethics: Consequentialism and Cost-Benefit Analysis

—Shaw, Sen, Adler & Posner, Wolff, and others

Spring 2011

Philosophy 666: Rational Choice Theory

—decision theory, game theory, and social-choice theory

Biology 420 / Philosophy 500: The Ethics of Scientific Research

—fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, conflicts of interest, institutional review boards, protection of human and animal subjects, and other issues

Fall 2010

Philosophy 670: Contemporary Ethical Theory

—meta-ethics and normative ethics

Spring 2010

Philosophy 800: Tutorial

—various topics, with emphasis on expository and argumentative writing

Biology 420 / Philosophy 500: The Ethics of Scientific Research

—fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, conflicts of interest, institutional review boards, protection of human and animal subjects, and other issues

Fall 2009

Philosophy 670: Contemporary Ethical Theory

—meta-ethics and normative ethics

Spring 2009

Philosophy 800: Tutorial

—various topics, with emphasis on expository and argumentative writing

Fall 2008

none (sabbatical)

Spring 2008

Philosophy 148: Reason and Argument

—inductive and deductive arguments, fallacies, and rhetorical devices

Fall 2007

Philosophy 666: Rational Choice Theory

—decision theory, game theory, and social-choice theory

Philosophy 148: Reason and Argument

—inductive and deductive arguments, fallacies, and rhetorical devices

Spring 2007

Philosophy 820: Topics in the History of Philosophy: Mill’s Practical Philosophy (taught with Ann Cudd)

Utilitarianism, On Liberty, The Subjection of Women, and other texts

Philosophy 148: Reason and Argument

—inductive and deductive arguments, fallacies, and rhetorical devices

Fall 2006

Philosophy 666: Rational Choice Theory

—decision theory, game theory, and social-choice theory

Philosophy 148: Reason and Argument

—inductive and deductive arguments, fallacies, and rhetorical devices

Spring 2006

Philosophy 900: Research in Philosophy (on consequentialism and desert)

—Shaw’s Contemporary Ethics: Taking Account of Utilitarianism, papers by Kagan, and other readings

Philosophy 886: Topics in Applied Ethics: The Ethics of Genetic Technology

—Buchanan, Brock, Daniels, and Wikler’s From Chance to Choice, and other readings

Fall 2005

Philosophy 666: Rational Choice Theory

—decision theory

Spring 2005

Philosophy 674: Philosophy of Law

—theories of constitutional interpretation, principles of criminal and civil law, and recent movements such as law and economics and feminist critiques

Fall 2004

Philosophy 160: Introduction to Ethics

—contemporary problems of ethics and meta-ethics

Spring 2004

Philosophy 555: Justice and Economic Systems

—Rawls, Nozick, Unger, Ehrenreich

Philosophy 160: Introduction to Ethics

—contemporary problems of ethics and meta-ethics

Fall 2003

Philosophy 499: Senior Essay (on Hume and Kant)

Philosophy 499: Senior Essay (on theories of welfare)

Philosophy 672: History of Ethics

—Aristotle, Hume, Kant, Mill

Philosophy 160: Introduction to Ethics

—contemporary problems of ethics and meta-ethics

Honors Program 190: Freshman Honors Tutorial

The Lives to Come: Genes, Medicine, and Ethics

Summer 2003

Philosophy 600: Readings in Philosophy (on Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion and Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morality)

Spring 2003

Philosophy 499: Senior Essay (on The Problem of Pain, by C. S. Lewis)

Philosophy 555: Justice and Economic Systems

—Rawls, Nozick, Unger

Philosophy 161: Introduction to Ethics Honors

—contemporary problems of ethics and meta-ethics

Fall 2002

Philosophy 880: Topics in Ethics: Contemporary Consequentialism

—Hare, Hooker, and others

Philosophy 672: History of Ethics

—Aristotle, Hume, Kant, Mill

Washington and Lee University:

Spring 2002

Independent study on Justice as Fairness: A Restatement, by John Rawls

Introduction to Ethics

—contemporary problems of ethics and meta-ethics

Winter 2002

Philosophy and Economics

—rationality, morality, welfare, consequentialism, equality, game theory

Ethics of Life and Death

—contemporary problems of bioethics and related areas of applied ethics

Fall 2001

Contemporary Political Philosophy (Distributive Justice)

—Rawls, Nozick, Unger

Introduction to Ethics

—contemporary problems of ethics and meta-ethics

University of Pittsburgh:

Summer 2000

Philosophy of Law

—theories of what law is, plus some problems of legal interpretation

Summer 1999

Business Ethics

—contemporary problems and theoretical issues

Spring 1999

Introduction to Logic

—discussion-section instructor for course taught by Michael Perloff

—Venn diagrams, truth tables, truth trees, deductions

Fall 1998

Introduction to Ethics

—Locke, Kant, Huxley, Mill, Wright

Summer 1998

Social Philosophy

—Hobbes, Rousseau, Huxley, Mill, Freud

Spring 1998

Introduction to Ethics

—discussion-section instructor for course taught by Doug Patterson

—Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Mill

Fall 1997

Introduction to Philosophical Problems

—discussion-section instructor for course taught by Joe Camp

—existence of God, Descartes, empiricism, free will

Summer 1997

Political Philosophy

—Sophocles, Plato, Hobbes, Locke, Hume, Melville, Mill, Marx and Engels

Spring 1997

Political Philosophy

—discussion-section instructor for course taught by Michael Thompson

—Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, Marx

Fall 1996

Introduction to Ethics

—discussion-section instructor for course taught by David Gauthier

—Plato, Hobbes, Kant, Mill, Rawls, Gauthier, Nietzsche, Ayer